From fake faces to laundered information and voice phishing, the explosion in fake and synthetic content is upending the reputation and integrity of businesses and individuals around the world. These technologies also bring countless new ways to gather intelligence.
Through harnessing the power of new open source technologies, Neon’s mission is to deliver decisive intelligence to our clients. Join us to stay ahead of the threats, and listen to a panel of global experts discussing how to prepare for the coming era of synthetic content, artificial intelligence and virtual reality: technologies that will disrupt global business in the year ahead.
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Rand Waltzman – Former DARPA, RAND Corporation and Founding Board Member at Information Professionals Association
Rand Waltzman originated the term “cognitive security” and is a specialist on artificial intelligence and the weaponization of information. He has spoken on strategies against Russian information operations before Congress and at major conferences in the United States, Europe and Asia. As a program manager at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), he created, planned and managed major research and development programs on the application of massive scale data analytics and artificial intelligence in the areas of insider threat detection, social media and computer vision.
Former positions include deputy chief technology officer of the RAND Corp., CTO (acting) and associate director of research of the Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon University, chief scientist in the Distributed Systems Laboratory of Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Laboratories and associate professor of computer science at the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. Dr. Waltzman has also held research positions at the University of Maryland and Teknowledge Corporation (the first commercial Artificial Intelligence company in the world where he started in 1983).
Belén Carrasco Rodriguez – Senior Intelligence Analyst at Neon Century
Belén draws on her broad expertise working in elite government and international organisations and boardrooms to deliver global intelligence to a range of law firms, private equity and hedge fund clients and to prevent, detect and disrupt digital threats.
Belén previously worked at NATO’s Strategic Communications Centre of Excellence, specialising in information influence operations. Whilst at NATO, Belén developed its Information Laundering model and is recognised as one of the world’s leading experts on the subject. She previously worked at Squire Patton Boggs and the European Commission. She often speaks about digital threats in conferences around Europe and recently appeared on the BBC series ‘The Hack that Changed the World’.
Will Jack – Founder at Unfaker
Will Jack is the founder of Unfaker, a tool for detecting AI generated fake faces. Will is an MIT-trained engineer and technology investor who aims to transition technology from lab benches to the real world in response to urgent global needs.